Showing posts with label Insulation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Insulation. Show all posts

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

On 02:39 by Irwin Stephen - Insulation Software Providers in , ,    No comments
Use of insulation calculator:
The use of an Insulation Calculator is to aid in determining how much insulation is needed, based on climatic conditions outside. The interactive calculation structure requires one to input in the total area in square feet, the Old R value and the new R value. You then need to add in the total number of days that either uses a heating device or a cooling one. You then have to add in the details on what is the kind of fuel that you use on a daily basis in your home.  The choices are Natural Gas, Propane, Fuel Old and Electricity. After you have inputted the required data, you can press calculate.

Insulation Calculation Calculator Software

Main goal of this calculation:
If you home is still in its construction phase , it is important to keep in mind when using the Insulation Calculator  for calculation, that your end goal is to energy save and reduce your overall energy cost in the long run. When you identify the areas where the air needs to be sealed via, you can assess what method of insulation you should be following, in order to close the gap that will consecutively help to defend against the loss the flow of heat. The calculator will also help to calculate the thickness of a any object that can be use in the installation process such as pipes, or ducts, By assessing the thickness of the pipes, it can help to avoid the loss of flow that may be cause due to condensation. 

Areas where this calculator can be used?
The calculation can also be made on older homes. This calculator can be used to identify heat losses in already constructed and occupied houses. It is important at first be able to determine how much of insulation has already been done to your home and where it all lies. You can hire an energy assessor who will help identify the various areas that require air sealing. If you are not going to use an assessor, it is very important to decided and be sure of the fact that you do want your home to be insulated or not. Thereafter, think about the type of insulation you want. Lastly, you have to calculate the R value, and the depth of the insulation that your home already has.  Remember, the higher the R value, the better and effective the insulation. The final outcome will be computed and a total will be derived, to inform us the correct amount on managed to, and existing energy savings totals. In other words, the calculator helps to inform us, in monetary value. if the rate of return is large or is very little.  

Results of insulation calculation:
Saving on energy will help reduce your utility bills. The reduction is not just a once off thing, but if planned and calculated tight it could result in unfailingly reaping the benefits consistently. A little tweak there and then a bit more is the way to go. The calculation if done right, will guarantee that the decision to insulate was the right one. 


The main use of insulation calculator is to find out the required insulating layer to stop heat transfer from homes or industries. This calculation will give you the benefits of heat energy and make the environment more eco-friendly. So, it is essential to adopt an efficient tool to make this calculation.  

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